Somerset Cricket League
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1985 Top Ten Bowling Performances
B. Coombes (Taunton Outcasts)
10 for 18
M. Dyer (Johnson Park)
9 for 16
W. Sangster (Ruishton II)
9 for 25
A. Jenkins (Wells)
9 for 34
N. Wareham (Peasdown St. John)
9 for 40
C. Ough (Evercreech II)
9 for 41
G. Redwood (Wiveliscombe)
9 for 42
K. Bellinger (Spaxton)
9 for 44
G. Flinders (Temple Cloud II)
9 for 45
A. O'Donnell (Hampset)
9 for 51
There were 27 other performances of 8 wkts, 78 of 7 wkts, and 213 of 6 wkts.